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“In Cooperation with PHR, GCMHP Continues Provision of Specialized Training In MH for Practitioners”

Gaza Community Mental Health Programme, has carried out a series of training activities in the Gaza Strip in cooperation with Physicians for Human Rights and the General Department of Mental Health at the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The training activities were delivered by a group of psychiatrists, MH experts and doctors who came from Israel to the Gaza Strip to complete three training courses that they began earlier in 2021. These courses, which target a group of professionals and psychologists working in the Palestinian Ministry of Health and GCMHP,  are supervised by three experts in psychotherapy and psychometric scale.

The three training courses cover the topics of : Trauma Incidence Reduction (TIR); Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale,  and Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities.

These training  courses come as part of the capacity building activities that GCMHP regularly and consistently conduct to promote the effectiveness of mental health services in the Gaza Strip.